

Asians eating noodles. This is a stereotype I love to live up to. And I don't discriminate! Udon, vermicelli, spaghetti, egg, buckwheat, fried, baked, souped up in soup, straight out of the fridge from the night before, I'll eat it all.

If there was a ninja in the night threatening to strike me down with nunchucks if I didn't choose one noodle as my absolute favorite right this minute... I would have to go with instant noods.  I don't know where I'd be without Momofuku Ando's stroke of ramen genius (Quick note for asians that care: The inventor is actually Taiwanese. He moved to 
Osaka where Momofuku is the Japanese translation of his Chinese name, Wu Pai Fu!). I'm not sure why Momofuku's ramen boy dyed his hair blonde, but I've loved this kid since I was a kid and my parents brought him home by the case. Now that I've clearly grown up, and mainly as a result of the sad selection in Safeway's ethnic aisle, I've let the more mature, mascot-less Sapporo Ichiban win me over. Conveniently around Halloween of 2011, I decided that if Nissin has boy blondie and Ajisen Ramen has that winking Chinese girl, Sapporo Ichiban needed representation too. It didn't take much to dream up Ramen Girl! because a meal this quick, cheap and full of sodium obviously has superhero qualities. Thirty packs of ramen, a bandit mask, and a significant amount of duct tape later, Ramen Girl! was born. 

Ok, I realize instant noods are the furthest thing from nutritious. Generally, and especially in the recipes that follow this page, I take special care to ensure my precious guinea pigs (aka Brian and my family and friends) are enjoying something healthy and low in fat. I've even made attempts to reduce the guilt from consuming these superhero packages! True, when I tried to pass off my tweaked version of instant noods as "healthy" (using dried egg noodles or vermicelli instead of pre-fried ramen with the soup base sauce packet), my own mother scoffed at me, then lectured me about the more than your daily allowance of sodium in those tiny flavor packs. So I've now revised the description of this version of instant noods from "healthy" to low-fat since the non-fried noodle substitution effectively cuts the fat down from 20gr to 3gr. Thanks mom.

My blog

Despite my lengthy ramen rave, this isn't a noodle-exclusive blog. I've recently come into a considerable amount of spare time, so I thought, what better way to focus my time than by combining some of the things I love - eating, cooking and writing (not necessarily in that order... but pretty close) - and rambling about it online. My recipes are influenced by my upbringing (helping my mom in the kitchen and picking up on her methods/habits), personal fitness and nutrition goals, and a deep love for spice. I will also include some recipes from friends and family, giving credit where due, because it's important to recognize that the people you love are a part of who you become. Brian, my bf, has little choice but to embark on this culinary escapade with me (especially since he's always asking, what's for sups?). In fact, it's part of my mission to see just how far I can push this exploration/experimentation with the picky prairie-boy that started off with such an unadventurous palate.


For the love of instant noodles, obviously follow my pinterest board:


Doodles (of noodles)

Because why not.


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